In the age of social media, any body can over share their personal and professional lives. Be careful on how social media impacts your divorce. Be cautious whether you post status updates on Facebook or tweets on Twitter, or job qualifications and experiences on professional sites like LinkedIn. Your spouse and his/her attorney will watch
Driving With a Suspended License (DWSL) Florida state law defines driving with a suspended license as someone who operates a vehicle on a Florida highway while knowing their license has been suspended or revoked. The individual would have knowledge of the license suspension either through a court order or by receiving a citation of the
We cannot stress enough the importance of educating yourself before taking steps to alleviate a financial issue or preparing yourself to file bankruptcy. Unfortunatly many individuals rely on friends and family members when making these decisions that may have little to no clue on what you should do. The following is a list of DON’T’s
Bankruptcy is a more common occurrence than one may think. Here are some signs that you may be headed for Bankruptcy: No Personal Savings Lack of Health Insurance. Medical bills are a large factor in the need to file for most bankruptcies. Maxing out on your credit cards. Other than medical bills, credit cards are