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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyers in Orlando, Florida

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    What is a Chapter 13 Reorganization? Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is a type of personal bankruptcy that allows individuals suffering from debt to seek relief from the court. Chapter 13 will allow you to retain your assets by organizing a repayment plan based on your needs, as long as the debt is paid in full in 3-5 years.

    Chapter 13 Reorganization:

    • Can prevent home foreclosure
    • Consolidates debts
    • Prevents wage garnishment
    • Prevents bank account garnishment
    • Prevents repossession of vehicles
    • Helps protect assets that could be otherwise lost by filing chapter 7
    • May be able to strip or remove subordinate mortgages and liens such as equity lines of credit and HOA liens.
    • May be able to reduce what is owed on your upside down or underwater car or vehicle to what it is worth today in-turn possibly reducing your monthly car payment.
    • May be able to modify your first mortgage on your homestead property.

    No one is exempt from the effects of the economic decline of recent, and it has resulted in a huge increase in bankruptcies filed in the Central Florida area.  Whether you’ve lost a job, you or a close family member becomes ill, or business slows down, Orlando, FL Chapter 13 Bankruptcy attorneys Michael Ferrin and Victoria Anderson understand and have assisted countless people off the road of the bumpy economic terrain and onto the path to financial relief.

    Filing for chapter 13 Bankruptcy will help you consolidate your debts with a repayment plan suited to your capabilities. Call the Law Firm of Anderson and Ferrin today to advise you on the bankruptcy relief that is best suited for you. 407-412-7041.  Our office offers the first consultation free so that you can explore the options available to you and your family.

    Learn More about Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

    Call Orlando Bankruptcy Lawyers for a
    Free Consultation. 407-412-7041.