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Hurricanes and Home Foreclosure – how they relate

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    Hurricanes and Home Foreclosure – how they relate. There were two massive hurricanes recently that caused significant damage to many peoples home.  Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma caused several people to have damage to their home, loss of belongings and loss of wages.  In addition, to the cost they spent to prepare for the Hurricanes.

    Based on the numbers released by a national financial services company, it shows that home foreclosures increased mostly in the areas that were affected by the storms.  Focusing on Florida, prior to these storms, Florida was ranked 22nd in the nation for homes in active foreclosure or payments over 30 days past-due.  After Hurricane Irma, Florida was ranked number 5.

    If you are behind on your mortgage and want to see what options are available to you it is imperative to contact an Orlando foreclosure attorney or bankruptcy attorney.  We can answer your questions and help guide you on what is best for you and your family whether it is surrendering the home or filing bankruptcy to try and bring your payments current.


    Contact our Orlando Bankruptcy attorneys Michael Ferrin and Victoria Anderson at 407-412-7041 for your free consultation today.

    Source: mpamag.com, “Hurricane fallout drives surge in past due mortgage”, Francis Monfort, Oct. 23, 2017