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Department of Revenue (DOR) Child Support Cases

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    Have you been served with a Department of Revenue (DOR) Child Support Case? If so, contact the Orlando Child Support Attorneys Anderson & Ferrin, Attorneys at Law, P.A. to help you.  DOR cases can be tricky for those not familiar with them.  There are several different types of DOR cases.  You can have received an Administrative DOR paperwork in the mail with a proposed Order or you could have been served with a DOR Petition.

    Regardless of the type of DOR Child Support case we can help you. DOR Child Support cases come from Florida Statutes Chapter 409.  Depending on the type of DOR case will determine what statute it falls under.  Florida Statute 409.2563 has to do with Administrative Child Support Orders as well as superseding orders.  Florida Statute 409.2567 states that an individual is entitled to get assistance from DOR to get help with receiving child support even if they are not receiving any public assistance.

    A lot of times people think a Child Support case is easy and that you do not need an attorney.  This could not be more wrong especially when you have a DOR child support case.  If you find yourself in a position where you have received something from DOR do not wait until it is too late.  Contact an Orlando Child Support attorney immediately.

    For more information please contact our office, Anderson & Ferrin, Attorneys at Law, PA at 407-412-7041 or you can read more information about it online at our website http://www.vandersonlaw.com/Family-Law/Child-Support.shtml.