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Child Support Lawyers and Florida Family Law Attorneys

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    In Family Law, child support is arranged in cases that involve children regardless of whether the parents were married or not. Both parents of an obligation to help support the child(ren).  Child Support refers only to the financial support of the child or children, not the emotional support, intellectual support, spiritual support, or otherwise, of the child. In some cases, the parents do not require marital affiliation for there to be an obligation to child support, as long as a filial relationship is established. If the parents live together, courts rarely intervene by deeming child support to be necessary or directing the financial responsibilities of the parents.

    In Child Support cases, there is an obligor (the parent who is required to pay child support) and an obligee (the parent who receives child support). The obligor pays child support to the obligee, and typically this involves the obligor being of a higher income level than the obligee or having less time-sharing than the other parent.

    A parents child support obligation does not stop even if the other parent is wrongly denying them contact. This also applies if the parent does not wish to have a relationship with the child. Child Support is to be used for the “needs” of the child, such as educational needs, food, and clothes.

    Read more about Child Support on our website. Alternatively, you may call the Law Offices of Anderson and Ferrin to answer any question you may have on Child Support.

    Orlando, Florida Child Support Lawyers & Family Law Attorneys
    Call 407-412-7041 for a Free Consultation Today.